Thursday, July 31, 2008
I'd Rather...
Eat Peanut Butter Sandwiches With You, Than Caviar With Anybody Else.isn't it an awesomely romantic quote? *swoons* LOL JK. from one of my favourite fanfics. ;D! whoohoo.
I can't believe it's like 2 days to my meeting with the ISB counsellor to discuss my new timetable. It's on Monday. Then on Wednesday
school starts!as huiran says, "ZOMG."
<___> aaaeck.
that sounds funny.
anyway lalalala COMMENT AND RATE ON MY NEW SKIN LAH. ;D yay.
new skin (again O.o)
I think I probably will have thousands of posts titled 'new skin' XDD
view my newest skin here!comment and rate, please! :D
this one took me
ages to complete. firstly, because of the picture editing; and secondly, because of the crazy definitions D: crazy because it took me forever to copy and paste and edit with all the html.
but it's kind of pretty lah (: yay.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
danielle tag reply!
ohmanIforgottoreplydanielle'stag ._. sorry!
yah skipping a grade. but if not I'll have to relearn all I've learnt already this year, and when I come back I'll be behind you guys. so that's why I'm in grade 8. they offered to push me up to grade 9 but we declined. I mean, that would be like hell, trying to keep up with sec 3s. ;_; LOL!
new skin!
still hoping for SOTD. ;________; sniff.
I got tagged by natalie! & Tag Replies
Tag replies:
huiran: HEY HEY HELLO MAN YOU FINALLY TAGGED WHEE *hyper* hello. oh yes. it's multicoloured so I didn't know what colours to choose, so I didn't change them at all, rofl. (the codes are from my previous blogskin). haha thanks :D
jlee: whud.
I think that's all, right.
natalie's quiz! booyeh natalie why you tag me D:IH8BLOGGAH'SCOPY-AND-PASTING1. The person who last tag you is ...
2. Your relationship with him/her is ...
"Friends, friends!"
3. Your first 5 impressions of him/her ..
You know, at first I didn't like her, but after BOM Election when she, amelia and I were nominated, I liked her. LOL! weird right.
4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you
um write me an e-mail! she still does! isn't that sweet :D whee! hug (:
5. The most memorable words he/she had said to you
"God bless."
LOL! that was in her latest e-mail.
6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will ...
er er er it will never happen cos we're not gay. lala. LOL.
7. If he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be
er er er I don't know. refer to q6.
8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will ...
be sad.
9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be ...
10. The most desire thing you want to do for him/her now is ...
er er er I dont know maybe GIVE HER A HUG (: yay.
11. Your overall impression of him/her is ...
I will quote danielle(:
12. How you think people around you will feel about you?
howamIsupposedtoknow. quote natalie/danielle/me.
13. The character you love of yourself are ...
O.o o.O O.O what?
14. On the contrary, the characters you hate of yourself are ......
15. The most ideal person you want to be is ...
BARACK OBAMA!JK. I want to be like tianjiao or angjie and get A1 for everything. WHEE. or at least, most subjects/be pro in chinese so my MSG doesn't get pulled down. O.o
16. For people that care & like you, say something to them ...
I "care & like you" too! whee! PROBABLY. if you are some pyschopath tho, go away. ;_;
17. Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wish to know how they feel about you.
- daniellleeeeee ;D
- zhong xuan
- chingying
- um, I have this strange urge to put PRESIDENT NATHAN here, but nah. hmmm. neil!
- kibs
- cayke
- jlee
- jm
- er, mr. suhaimi? LOL no he doesn't have a blog. hmm. thomas!
- ememememememememPINGGHEE! waha.
18. Who is 6 having relationship with? cayke
um, nobody right. @____@
19. Is 9 a male or female? thomas
20. If 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing? jlee & pingghee
um um um I don't think so, their personalities are totally different, but I will support them all the way if they DO turn out to like each other like mr. darcy and lizzie :D lol
21. How about 8 and 5? jm and kibs
22. What is 2 studying about? zhong xuan
HCI stuff. ROFL. ;D idk lah.
26. (er why does the number skip? O.o) Will you woo 3? chingying
er why so weird one. I'M NOT GAY LAH. so no.
27. How about 7? jlee
I doubt it. ;_____;
28. Is 4 single? neil
29. What's the surname of 5? kibs
30. What's the hobby of 4? neil
idk also. O.O
31. Do 5 and 9 get along well? kibs and thomas
they don't know each other.
32. Where is 2 studying at? zhong xuan
HCI lah.
33. Talk something casually about 1. danielle
34. Have you try developing feelings for 8? jm
er er er no lol
35. Where does 9 live? thomas
36. What color does 4 lyke? neil
brown? IDK!!
37. Are 5 and 1 best frens? danielle and kibs
strange, nat and I got danielle for this question. but they dont know each other.
38. Does 7 likes 2? zhongxuan and jlee
MAYYYBE ;D haha jk they dont know each other.
39. How do you get to know 2? zhongxuan
strange as it sounds, through john. actually, I don't know how we actually met ._.
40. Does 1 have any pets? danielle
I doubt it.
41. Is 7 the sexiest person in... jlee
no lah sotongs aren't sexy at all. XDDDD JK.
lala DONE FINALLY! whee.
I MUST CREATE A SOTD.haha. you know, I actually thought that SOTDs like cover all skins made in the history of skins on BS but no it's actually only the skins made on that particular day so my hopes are dashed.
thus if I want to create an SOTD I must create one today! and the day after that! and whenever I want to get sotd. LOL. I'm blabbering.
isn't that smiley thing cute. and ._. too. ;D
new skin- co-skin with marissa's and my skin! she did the pic, I did the coding.
I rather like how it turned out :D
give FEEDBACK and RATING, man! (:
112, Tag Replies
Dear, dear, dear 112. What is HAPPENING.
Enough said.
Tag replies:
chingying: oh, shut up, I won't say it. D:
marissa: hellooooo! :D thanks for tagging.
danielle: what's up about grade 8? O.o xD
when the stars come out at night-link
The Corrs, Irrelevant Titles & DeviantArt, Prose-writing
THE CORRS ROCK, MAN. If you don't believe me listen to What Can I Do, All The Love In The World, I Never Loved You Anyway and Don't Say You Love Me! along with other wonderful songs!well I just wanna sayI never really loved you anywayyyyyyoh man, they so rock. :DDanielle pestered me to upload my stories onto DA (since she insists that I CANNOT upload my drawings until I use photoshop on them) so I uploaded Hoping For Blue Skies, Once Upon A Memory and Where Rainbows End. I realize from searching my ex-blog's archives, that I use very very irrelevant titles. For example, I was looking high and low for OUAM and finally found it under a post titled LALA.
yes, LALA.
the amazingness of it. D:
I suppose post titles were never designed for future selves searching pieces of prose.
I am going to write another piece of prose because looking at my pieces has plunged me into a sea of nostalgia. It shall be called
when the stars come out at night.LOL. Yes I think of titles before plots, but most of my plots are the same anyway for prose. LOL! they're the easiest to write.
p.s. oh, and please tag. nobody seems to be tagging.
Monday, July 28, 2008
new blogskin- S P E E C H L E S S!
I'm rather displeased with how the building silhuoettes turned out (editing it on Paint turned out to no avail) but on the overall it's good lah. :D comment and rate, please!
yo, callie. :D
going with my mum to the tailor's soon after lunch. she needs to adjust some old dresses of hers and I'm following her for the heck of it. xD
melanie's getting her hair cut short. O.O LOL. but not "mushroom-short", as I did. I consider that
the worst decision I have ever made.or one of the worst, at any rate. ;D ah well, at least it's growing longer.
;cos you leave me speechless when you talk to me
I am
still addicted to speechless. thanks fish_fries for getting me addicted! D: LOL.
talking to melanie now. :D I want to make a new blogskin but I'm not too sure about what I shall make it
no inspiration as of now... hmmmmm. I shall just do one on
speechless then, and don't care that it has the same name as one of my favourite skins by fish_fries. (:
4th blogskin in a day!
Tongue Tied, inspired by Faber Drive's song.
Am going to drop off to bed now, my eyes are being rather, whingey. By hurting. And my head is not very pleased with me, either.
So I shall just
go. to. bed.I wanted to see that skin done, you see. It DOES look very pretty.
I must remind myself:
my aspiration is to get at least one SOTD someday (soon)!there, it's
written out.
cos every time I try to get tongue-tied
I'm gonna do a
tongue tied by
faber drive blogskin!
tell me I have nothing better to do than blogskins. which are pretty good things to do. ^_^
I'm blabbering! OH NOES.
-someone, shut me up.
okay, off I go to metrolyrics, photobucket and deviantart, and my other blogskin friends. :D
oh. it's EINDAH. eck. SORRY!!! *headdesks*
I shall go edit the link now.
indah's blog
just linked indah. turned out huiran's muchly-amusing quiz has travelled to indah's blog from jovana's. hope I spelt her name right. D: if memory serves me right it's
indah. hello there. :D can't believe how you found my blog.
I need a little good luck to get me by this time.♥GRACIE!
I don't deny it:
I'm totally selfish when it comes to you.Another beautiful quote from the video to Speechless. I love the song, too! :D
Speechless- The Veronicas
Feels like I have always known you
And I swear I dreamt about you
All those endless nights I was alone
It's like I've spent forever searching
Now I know that it was worth it
With you it feels like I am finally home
Falling head over heels
Thought I knew how it feels
But with you it's like the first day of my life
Cuz you leave me
When you talk to me
You leave me breathless
The way you look at me
You manage to disarm me
My soul is shining through
Can't help but surrender
My everything to you
I thought I could resist you
I thought that I was strong
Somehow you were different from what I've known
I didn't see you coming
You took me by surprise and
You stole my heart before I could say no
Falling head over heels
Thought I knew how it feels
But with you it's like the first day of my life
You leave me speechless
When you talk to me
You leave me breathless
The way you look at me
You manage to disarm me
My soul is shining through
I can't help but surrender
Oh no
My everything to you
You leave me speechless
(the way you smile, the way you touch my face)
You leave me breathless
(it's something that you do I can't explain)
I run a million miles just to hear you say my name
You leave me speechless
You leave me breathless
The way you look at me
You manage to disarm me
My soul is shining throughI can't help but surrender
My everything to you
inspired blogskin.
OK, that quote did it.
It inspired a blogskin.
Here it is:
oh man this quote is loverly
when you get lonelylook at the space between your fingersand remember, that's where mine fit perfectly.
♥you're kinda, sorta, pretty much, always on my mind./
speechless by
the veronicas rocks! listen to it here:
falling head over heels, I thought I knew how it feelsbut when I'm with you it feels like it's the first day of my lifecos when you talk to me you leave me speechless.♥GRACIE!
new audrey hepburn skin, dedicated to Jayne!
hehe jayne, your skin's done, view it here:
I'm quite satisfied with the end result. :D the picture was pretty, so I didn't edit it at all and just scaled it down slightly to 65% on Photobucket (the original pic was too large).
managed to find a few other audrey hepburn portraits that were skilfully done on DA and saved them. :D audrey hepburn
is very pretty. (:
faber drive's when I'm with you
made a new faber drive blogskin. view it here:
I need to make an audrey hepburn one next (I offered to do one for jayne) and then I want to do a skin for tongue tied by faber drive, which is as great as when I'm with you C:
comment and rate, please! whoo. so far everyone has commented with 5 stars on my fashion fused skin. ;D *dances around happily*
I shall just make a list, for the pure fun of it. :D
Grace's Random On-the-Spot List!FAVOURITEmovie.I've got many. to list them out, they are:
Pride and Prejudice,
Phantom of the Opera,
27 Dresses and
7 Things- Miley Cyrus
Told You So- Jesse McCartney
How Do You Sleep- Jesse McCartney
So She Dances- Josh Groban
You are Loved (Don't Give Up)- Josh Groban
Save the Last Dance for Me- Michael Buble
Play with Fire- Hilary Duff
Too Little Too Late- JoJo
Leave (Get Out)- JoJo
You Must Love Me- Lea Salonga
On My Own- Lea Salonga
Fantine's Death (Come to Me)- Ruthie Henshall.
Superstar- The Carpenters
TOLD you there was a lot. Got more, I think. ;D Just not going to write them out.
book.A Little Love Song- Michelle Magorian
A Ring of Endless Light- Madeleine L' Engle
A Little Prince- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
The Goose Girl- Shannon Hale (aw, spoilt the list of all 'A's ;D)
singer.Jesse McCartney, Lea Salonga, Miley Cyrus, JoJo, Hilary Duff.
Oh, and the CARPENTERS! :D
actor.I don't really have one. Hmmm. AARGH I REALLY DONT KNOW LAH. LOL.
3-2-1 (a la those reflection thingies they used to force us to do in primary school)
3 movies I've watched recently
Pride and Prejudice, 27 Dresses and Stardust, in that order.
2 things I've done recently
Gotten cereal and alphabet soup from Tops supermarket, and made a new blogskin.
1 thing I miss from S'pore
Friends, definitely! All the
Aha, done. Now I shall do a blogskin.
Ching Ying tagged me for a quiz. It's been so long since I last did one, LOL. I think Jlee did this too. We're supposed to answer all with the first letter of our name. Right. o.O (No instructions were given, FIY.)
Random quiz using words starting with the letter: GFour-letter word: good, girl, grin, gulp, gets... etc. etc. etc.
Boy’s name: gerard! for gerard butler in PotO! :D
Girl’s name: gennifer! for hayden panettiere in ice princess! or geraldine, if you wish.
Occupation: (my mind keeps singing
greenhorn, greenhorn. dear mind: SHUT UP.)
Colour: GREEN! :D
Something you wear: erm. I'm stuck. *thinks* I'm tempted to put a very . *cough* sensitive bit of underwear here, that Mr. Ang told us about. It starts with G and ends with G, and has a hyphen. Go figure.
I can't think of anything else. "Green shirt"? xD
Beverage: Gassiness. Nah, just kidding. Grape juice! :D
Food: Green beans? O.o
Something found in a bathroom: Um. I DON'T KNOW, MAN. Grape-fragranced hand soap? O.o
A place: Ghim Moh. LOL. Or Greenland.
Reason for being late: Grabbed by an old lady who was really chia in disguise.
I tag:
[ ] Thomas! (now that you're back from the army, I might as well abuse you a little. :X LOL)
[ ] Zhong Xuan
[ ] Jovana
[ ] Natalie
Kay, done. I'm tempted to do another blogskin, fiddling with the almosthardly template.
I'm hopelessly in love for the first time, I, whoa whoaGotta make you my baby♥GRACIE!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
random watching :D
I am randomly watching PotO/Pride and Prejudice fan-made MVs now. Some of them are pretty good (:
Oh, and thanks to Marissa, I now love Faber Drive too. LOL! Their song 'When I'm With You' rocks my socks off, the lyrics are so nice.
just submitted a new pic on DA, I love it. no danielle I decided I won't submit my drawings cos this com doesnt have photoshop and I'm too lazy to like recolour it. O.o LOL
new blogskin!
that picture took me ages to do and the coding, even more. cos that's the first time I'm using those codes.
comment and rate!
I wanna get a SOTD soon! :DD *aspires*
am addicted to
so she dances and
you are loved (don't give up) PotO fan-made MVs. Xxstar2344xX is damn pro! see you are loved at there's a link to so she dances there.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Have uploaded 3 pics onto my DA account. DA's undergoing site maintainence. I give up. D:
Uploading my imgs take ages. Don't know why. D: Poooo-ey.
I shall make a blogskin or something!
I am a lazy gumchy monstah. :DD haha, JK, I only just found the wire for downloading pics from my phone.
Shall post selected ones here. Oh, and make an Audrey Hepburn skin for Jayne. Haha. AUDREY HEPBURN FANS AHOY! whee. MUST. GET.
mailto:BREAKFAST@TIFFANY. CD. O.O omg the computer linked that. ahwell. click on it, then; I doubt it'll get you anywhere. o.O
the cute penguin which chingying, nicolette and I found at lovely land in CS! :D
miss goh signing our (disposable) tablecloth at the SBGE 10th Anniversary! :D
can you spot my signature and my ELPS ad? ;DDD haha.

isn't this cool? this is my brand-new canvas print of audrey hepburn which we just bought from MBK for like 199 baht, which is. 8.75 singapore dollars. I think. yes. ;D I think I typed this before, but whatever. isn't it pretty! the background is the top of my bed and the curtains. O.o LOL

this is probably the ancientest picture in my phone. it's taken in my grandparents' old malacca house. I took like several shots from this position in sepia, black and white, and normal colour cos it looks very pretty. in real life it's prettier :D
I shall upload some pics onto my DA account because if I don't by the 30th danielle is going to kill me.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
I must be on some blogskin-making spree...
I redid the kiss from a rose skin because I felt the image wasn't that good. I still feel this current under your spell is one of my best skins so far (maybe cos I love the colours so much ^-^). the current kiss from a rose skin on isn't as good as I expected, but I spent so long on it and I don't feel like doing it all over again.
visit it
here! comment and rate please!
hate is a strong word, but I really really don't like youI am listening to a lot of PotO fan-made videos on youtube nowadays. O.o
erik is so sad!
maaan, I really really don't like raoul.
I like the phrase 'half a world away'.
O.o Yes I'm being random.
I shall compose a... a... a poem. LOL.
Let's see.
Now that you're half a world awayNow that I can't be with you, even for one more dayTell me how do I live without youNo one's made me love them the way you made me love you. Oh, it sounds so weird.
Pishposh. *mutters under breath*
I wanted to end the last sentence with 'do', something like
how our hands join perfectly the way they do.But I can't shape a sentence remotely sounding nice. D:
oh man. I think all my literary skills have
just. plain. died.Y gracie.
somewhere only we know_
somewhere only we know has become a blogskin! @
comment and rate!
today went emporium for grocery shopping. it has a lot of cute stuff. ;D like um miniature fork and spoons and miniature cups with saucers, and and and cute little porcelain pigs! LOL.
there's so much I meant to tell you
kiss from a rose is going to be a blogskin soon. it would be already if it weren't for the fact that photobucket suddenly had site maintenance. D:
here's the image:
isn't it pretty :D
haha. the flowers I randomly drew on powerpoint cos -shudder- this laptop doesn't have photoshop! DAMN. D:
I can't help thinking, the extreme-right img looks very out of place cos it doesn't have like sunset in it. o.O
ahwell. it's hard to find 'matching pics'.
am listening to a So She Dances (Josh Groban) PotO music video. it's nice. xD
isn't this blogskin pretty. haha. I ♥ it!
okay, need to go for dinner now. it's 6.59 BKK time.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
2 New Skins
I have created two new skins!
Under Your Spell&
Words He'll Never Say/Not to Me!
somewhere only we know has yet to be created. D: audrey hepburn just
demanded a skin to be made for her. and bituwin's template was too irresistable. ;D
I am thinking of changing this blog's skin to Under Your Spell.
yeah, maybe I should. ;D
new blogskin img
I'm gonna submit a new BS soon! but not now. it's like 10.36 BKK time and I'm dead beat.
have just completed the BS img; the codings shall wait till tomorrow. here it is. posting it gives me a sense of achievement. :D
it might be a little small. click on it, then. if I'm not wrong that will yield a larger... crop.
lucy maud montgomery and anne shirley-blythe are LOVE.
esp. gilbert. LOL. ;D
astonishing revelation:
someone, splash water on me.
room deco
I'm going to do a random FIYish post!
For example, did you know my room has postcards (a miserable 5) and posters (2 -.- I NEED MORE) blue-tacked on the walls?
Posters: Jesse McCartney (thanks Nikki!) and JoJo (thanks bro! the JoJo one is the prettiest ^^ whoo ;D)
Postcards: 2 Can You Give Your Pet A Home That Lasts? postcards from THOMAS (whoo thankyous! cos they're cute ;D), 1 NY 90th Anniversary postcard (*protective*), an air-con ad postcard with polar bears on it that I put -guess where- next to the air con remote thingy, and a -gasp- WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT postcard on my closet. LOL. wanted to put the last one on the mirror. but the blue-tack might ruin the mirror.
I saw some really nice audrey hepburn pics at MBK. the living mall, I think. they are chao nice! and I think cost 195. I can't be too sure. if it's 195 that's like, 9.75 Sing dollars? I theenk. ;D AND THERE WERE ONLY 3 NICE ONES. haha. got a lot of beatles (?), elvis and marilyn monroe ones. I don't like marilyn monroe. but AUDREY HEPBURN is LOVEEEEE.
other FIY: I've got a LOT of soft toys in my room, and a winniethepooh mat, and the cutest bedroom slippers LOL. oh and an opened packet of Nerds on my desk. I ate some on the flight and abandoned the box. Nerds are nice. the sweets, not the dudes. ;D
oh and SOME BOOKS and a LOT OF FILES and some boxes which I'm too lazy to open. poooey.
and my pig-shaped rubbish bin! ;D
and my noticeboard which has my 3 Youth Classifieds reviews pinned on it. which reminds me. CHINGYING IF YOUR REVIEW GETS ACCEPTED YOU MUST TELL ME AND I'LL TELL MY BROTHERS TO KEEP THAT AND WHEN I COME BACK I'LL FRAME IT UP. yay.
that's not a promise tho D:
I am going ... somewhere. like bloghopping or something. :/
I realised my blog doesn't show post titles.
Oh, damnit.
I shall try to edit the HTML. *struggles*
I am rather bored, as my title shows.
(Or maybe, I can't think of a proper title. Yeah, that's it. :D)
I need to link
diane and
natalie! *pokes self*
I love Jesse McCartney's Told You So! and How Do You Sleep! OMG OMG OMG DEPARTURE CD LOVEEEE. haha.
His Bleeding Love version is OK lah. But okay I guess. HIS VOICE IS DAMN HIGH!
OK OK OK whatever.
Today went to the tailor's again. Walked out to the BTS station and it was DAMN HOT. Sigh. Well yeah. Then went Robinson's to do more grocery shopping. The Gourmet supermarket at Siam Paragon is chao nice man. You should see it. Aisle after aisle of well-stocked stuff. Even their laundry detergents have samples! And the samples come in cute bottles!
I'm obsessing. Shoot meh.
and I keep keep bleeding, keep keep bleedingokay, sorry. I haven't cut myself or anything.
OHYAHS! Made my first pair of earrings today!
they are chao cute.
but the wires are screwed. I have no pliers so I like twisted them by hand and now they're
really twisted. but overally okay. (: I shall wear it out someday.
colours used: gold, peach ad pink!
sorry, just felt like saying that.
oh, and need to edit this skin entry on BS. to inform people that some of them say the image is too big (it IS, but not as much on my laptop) but it's probably best viewed on windows vista, that's why the image may seem weird. after all, the windows XP skins are like half-done only on WV and WV skins must be huge on XP. ahwell.
on my own's downloads have shot up to 61! but if you're not the one is 62. damn. *secretly roots for on my own* xD but then I last checked yesterday. *rather unreliable*
lala I love the font on this skin. LOL. although when I type this out it's all georgia-ish. ahwell. ;DD
I'm random crapping! Oh noes!
btw. CHINGYING, POST LAH YOU. OR EYEKEELEU. ;D oh and reply my e-mails. cos I am in dire need of emails.
"bah, humbug!"
Y GraceY!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Just returned from a rather tiring day. Details later. Tried to edit this skin to make the pic smaller and with less gap at the LHS, but when I reuploaded the edited image on Photobucket and transferred it onto the blogskin, it didn't work. The screwed blogskin may be viewed on However, by the time you view it, it may have been replaced by another tester blogskin. You see, I always upload my blogskins on that blog first to test it out (as the URL might have told you).
Tag Replies---John: Thanks.
Fiona: Aw :/ Really? Haha, since I just arrived last-last night it's still too early to determine when I will fly back, isn't it? ;D But I promise to visit AMAP AND ASAP! For definition of AMAP please go to Ching Ying's blog. LOL!
---Note to SelfMust relink Sarah at before I get lazy/forget. D:
Updates! as promised.Well, arrived on Sunday night after a very ... big send-off. THANKS Jun Hui, Sarah, Hannah, Ching Ying, Nicolette, Neil, Mildred, Kate-Lyn and Su-Lyn, Clara and Josh and Natalie and Auntie Marina for coming with their respective families (well most did). I appreciate it a lot! :DD It was very nice seeing everyone come. Nice and heartwarming. ;D
Then we realised that the gates were closing and rushed in. Well, at any rate it was better than arriving early at the gates because we could just board the plane straight away, LOL. Listened to music while reading and then arrived in BKK in one piece ;X
The next day (Monday) our maid Oi arrived. She's really nice and bears a very strange resemblance to Michelle Ahyi. ;DD Well yeah. My mum and I walked out to Robinson's to do some grocery shopping (and bought a nice Fila pair of skorts which were going at 50% off :X) and then returned home. After dinner we stayed up lounging on the sofa reading away. I read
Exodus (I've a good mind to e-mail Miss Teng and encourage her to read it; Exodus by Julie Bertagna is a very futuristic and yet believable novel that might spur us on in our LA SW SIA ;D) and my mum read
The Choice.
I want to read
The Choice! LOL. I've read about six or seven chapters at most and my mother stayed up much more than I did to finish the whole book. She says there are some *ahem* adult content at the back part so I told her to mark them out and I would skip those pages. Unfortunately she says there's some stuff that happens that affects the plot. So the fate of my perusal of that addictive book lies in the custody of my mother who seems to want to take her time deciding it. :/ I wanna read it! Nicholas Sparks is a literary genius: not too cheem, not too easy.
As the cheesy saying goes, "Juuuuust right!"
Shoot me.
Today we left the house at 9+ to meet Auntie Sharon (we were running late) for the tailor's, and then when we'd walked halfway out of the Soi my mother remembered that she'd left her handphone in the apartment so we had to walk back. Then we walked out to Nana station and took to Siam where we met Auntie Sharon at Siam Paragon, seriously late. -.- Ah well. The dress at the tailor's is chao nice, man! The tailor even sewed a matching pouch, isn't that nice :D
Then my mother and I went to MBK to .. look for furniture. Ah well. Then when I was like dying from exhaustion and tiredness of looking at table after table after desk after chair after bookcase after goodness-know's-what, my mother obliged to let me SHOP! Waha. So bought two pairs of cargo pants. The shopkeeper must've scammed us. The price -even when bargained down- was ridiculously high. But we managed to knock off quite a bit. Phew.
Ate at this Shanghai Dim Sum place -still damn full from all that food maaaan- and then took BTS home.
The journey home was damn hectic.
Note to SelfNever, ever, ever, attempt to take a cab from Robinson's back home any time from 2.00 to 4.30. Because that's when school dismisses and the one-lane, two-way roads become one-lane, one-way roads and we can't get home.
I must walk to the opening of the Soi and hail a cab from there.
I must NOT forget.
And then the second taxi driver we took demanded 40 Baht (that's like 2 Singapore dollars I think) for a distance which is about NY Boarding School entrance to NY Canteen (around there, I think), which he covered in about ... twenty seconds. -.-
All-in-all, our journey home was an 80+ Baht lesson.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Haha hello.
Just arrived in Bangkok last night. Don't you love this new blogskin? Took me ages to co-ordinate the cbox and imeem widths; they were majorly screwed.
I know the
bolds and
italics in the sidebar area look funny, but ah well; for a first-timer using these basecodes it's OK right (:
Shall post more later, need to go for dinner. :D
Much love!
Y Gracey!