Tuesday, September 30, 2008
And the years go on;
I love this song: Ben Folds' Still Fighting It!
it was featured in the cyber bullying video we watched in synergy today. I love the song!! :D
finished my homework already. (all that's due tomorrow, anyway.) I need to pack my suntan lotion but I'm not TOO sure where it is. lemme check if it's near my bag. (I think it is.)
awesome, it is.
now I'm gonna re-read the info about the cyber bullying competition and
get to work ;D
And Then I Go And Spoil It All By Saying Something Stupid Like
Robbie Williams ft. Nicole Kidman- Somethin' StupidTAG REPLIES:
Tata: okay okay will link you :/ reading "so many books" is damn easy lah ;D
Sand: haha thx! but remember our work is like beginner now cos term just started, yeah :D
Nat: A WEEK TO MY BIRTHDAY! a week and 2 days, actually, but YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY :D
Kibs: hello dear! haha yes it is fun :D how you?
Sher: if you're talking about the pacer test, there's no way people can get 2, that's like srsly unfit :/
as do I ;D
but my dad supports mccain. oh well.
teeny weeny random flame message:
I'm not your homework machine. You're old enough to do work by yourself. You need to grow up -desperately need to grow up- because you can't go on being like this. Not everyone will help you. You need to be independent and more matured. You can't depend on others all the time. The world won't be like this forever; you can't live on others' help. So please, please, digest what I've been telling you, and actually learn from it, because you don't seem to be doing so right now. Please. It's irritating me to high heaven, the way you can't do anything by yourself. Or much, anyway. And the way you don't even care.sorry for that leetle flame D:
today was an average day. tomorrow's soccer! oh, shoot, I liked team handball :/ sigh.
made like two careless mistakes in spanish today. *headdesks* LOL. hmmm. nothing else much to say, I suppose. :/
oh well.
read fan fics; now blogging; need to do my spanish homework and maybe get started on the ISB anti-cyberbullying competition thing.
oh yah, important news:
so going to the book-signing. Hopefully my parents will let me.
She's supposed to go to Singapore too according to one website I read, but her official website only mentions hong kong and bkk D:
p.s. shawnie thought
all-american girl was a friendship-bracelet book. -.- LOL!
Monday, September 29, 2008
But You're Not Really Here
I just had to forget there was Spanish homework over the weekend! I just had to! finished it during maths/science anyway, after I'd finished the test, but it's still late! oh damn. my grade will go down
so. and I wanted a higher grade! shoot.
checking powerschool now. ahaha I'm so
kiasu! ;D
and and and we got our humanities writing assessment back today! the one where we had to write an expository essay on one of four prompts or so. I GOT FULL MARKS!
I got all 5s in all the criteria(s?), which is Meets The Acceptable Standard of Excellence. yay!
oh. my GPA's still 3.85. pffft. it
USED to be 3.88. ever since I got my PE grade it's gone down. oh well. at least my pe grade isn't an F. I thought it would be.
LA is still A! damn. I WANT A+ LAH. GO ON MR KENNEY, PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE? O: lol haha. but still! few more points! *.*
shit. 1 hour 15 minutes to tuition.
finished all homework due tomorrow (I think). I was planning on doing my maths after this. 3-1. the one where I did some wrong questions LOL. without realizing it. =.= oh well. it's due on wednesday.
nos vemos!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this draught- useless, and disappointing.
manxx (I can't BELIEVE I typed that) BS forums are the love. Esp
this one: Love Quote Game ♥ by -BLACK.vampirelover.
submitted two so far ;____; haha.
ah well. GTG SOON! going out for dinner with my parents, aunt & uncle, auntie sharon & uncle mike and alex. and this guy who owns the restaurant. ;D who's a singaporean. ;D
we're leaving at 6.10ish I think. so I NEED TO GET READY! luhhhh. (just felt like saying that.)
Juno songs are so cute! I've only got until track 10 tho pssshhht cos didn't have enough time in singapore (kept forgetting so by the time I remembered, I had no time :/) to attach all and send to myself using laggy gmail D:
Friday, September 26, 2008
The Many Faces Of...

somehow it doesn't look that nice. I don't really feel like blogskinning now. I guess I'll do some homework. :/ oh well.
spurt of ... of... ideas!
what do you say I start a blog to write in? like a light-hearted chick novel thingy? (yes, I know, it sounds horribly degrading. but sometimes when you're tired you don't feel like writing about the suppressive Tejer and the bright heroine lead Kate, you feel like writing, "She strode in those strong impressive Christian Louboutins, diamonds glistening at her snow-white neck, raven-
black hair hanging sleekly down the back of the blood-red Gucci dress." Isn't it?)
HUIRAN! hello dear angel senior :D haha remember when I thought you were wenxin. how horribly embarrassing O: ANYWAY HELLO!
NATNATNATALIE! sorry I just felt like typing that rofl ;D (roflmaozedong! oh, whatever.) I remember the ghost stories in a negative aspect, though, cos I was trying to sleep. :/ aah.
SHER:D haha no need to get paranoid :/ I did pacer test in nanyang too lol although you might have heard of it as 'beep test', they're the same. you run laps to this audio thingy, which goes, "begin at the word 'start'. Start. *beep* One. *beep* Two." and if you don't finish the lap by the time the beep sounds, it counts as 1 'penalty' thingy; once you missed two laps then you're out. at least in ISB that's how it is. and your score is the number of laps you managed to do. a.k.a., the number before the one you missed. the lap's not very long lah don't worry. not like one lap round the track or something.
JLEEO: donch insult YMCA! anyway anyway no she's not peeing! that's so mean! it's a stalks brush. aka eg flower stalks, not creepy paedophile stalks stalk. O.o
that sounds funny.
ANYWAY! adios. photoshopping eye goes. ;D
Photoshop Pic!

isn't this so cool? the words actually say 'when they say it's all over'. and the little black squiggly stuff at the cameras is 'sweet.intoxication'. obviously too small to see. oh well.
EYE LUBBXX EET! haha, I remember all those times maddie and natalie followed me to the bom sac duty and we (well, I mostly :/) wrote twittalk on the white board, much to maddie's amusement/horror, because a lot were like MADDIE LUBBXX DEWEI or something. DEWEI! I'd forgotten about him. my ex-scrabble opponent, whose age I am still unclear of.
oh well.
That girl was a one-time teenage drama queen
Tell It To Naomi by
Daniel Ehrenhaft today. It was a surprisingly good read, considering that I found it by chance: craning my neck and pulling out the first book that caught my eye in that particular shelf in the library. It's about Dave, this guy who's starting high school and isn't cool at all because he lives in a house with three females and no other males at all so he's kind of feminine-er than the others (not in a creepy way, though), and he has this crush on a high school sophomore girl. so he tries to get her to fall in love with her by writing an advice column, pretending to be his older sister naomi, but everything gets screwed up. It's cool! :D
At this rate, you know why by tomorrow my reading log will have 21 books written down.
And pretty soon, 22, cos Little Women -considerably- isn't a very hard book to read. Just a little bit weird at first, cos they all talk and act in a very old-fashioned way. :O LOL!
My Internet was pretty screwed just now :/ so I photoshopped before restarting. created a pretty awesome pic! not using any brushes. :/ LOL on this computer I only have 2 brushes. stars and city skylines. which didn't apply to the picture I was creating. shall post the picture in the next post so I don't have to drag it all the way down :X
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sorry, I just felt like saying that. 'Eeyer!', that is.
Just finished
How to be popular by Meg Cabot just now, over cereal with coffee milk. (Yes, coffee milk. It was an
experiment, you might say. :/ Results: OK OK. :O LOL.)
During dance today we learnt about dance from different times, and watched the video of our performance. ZOMG I REALLY REALLY SCREWED UP BIG TIME MAN :X It's safe to say I'm probably one of the worse dancers.
The jitterbug is cool.
Going to download the following happy dancey songs. You know, the upbeat kind that you just need to
listen to to cheer you up (:
YMCA! By Village People. Listening to it now. It's so great. (If you wanna know, I danced to it in kindergarten for our EOY concert. Or something.)
NEW AGE GIRL! By *wink* Deadeye Dick, as every 112er should know ;D from the movie 'Dumb and Dumber' or something.
SHOW ME THE MONEY! by pete pablo, or something. from STEP UP soundtrack! step up rocks our socks off! all of 'em!
NEVER LEAVE YOU (UH OH)! by lumidee! it's on my newest skin. LOL. It rocks. from CONFESSIONS OF A TEENAGE DRAMA QUEEN. ;D
um um um um um
ALL FOR ONE! for memory's sake ;DDDDD LOL.
obviously, from HSM2.
slash, NY Sec 1 talentime ;DDDDDD 112's awesome performance!
To come off the highness. A little. In PE we were supposed to take our yearbook pics but it was rescheduled to tmr (thank goodness. I forgot and my hair looked horrendous. Like in my P1 ezlink pic. :OOO) so we did the pacer test (*curses*) and some team handball practice. I improved on the pacer test by 4! which might not seem like much but trust me it is. :/ jorden is so pro he got to like 90? I think. :/
If you want to know, I got to 20. He did like 70 more than me. I can't even DO 70.
This is so... depressing. MOVIN' ON!
mr. kenney just HAD to read out the number of books some people read, right? :/ mr kenney's nice. really. but he had to type out, KUDOS TO THESE PEOPLE FOR THEIR READING LOGS, and put me right at the bottom, after all those people that'd read like 3-5 books, and my name there, GRACE: 18.
the class practically fell silent. and everyone was staring at me. (I was staring at the screen, wanting to die.) and there was like this echo around the room. "
Eighteeeennnn..." like reading 18 books in like 2 months is everything anyone's ever ever wanted to do ever so much. :/ it was kind of embarrassing.
I read another book today. and I'm still reading
little women. (yes, I read 3 books in between LW. :/ sophie kinsella 2, meg cabot 1. easy, lighthearted romances.)
tomorrow, I shall make a point to stick to jo and meg and marmee, and abandon meg cabot and her world of unpopular high school girls.
oh wait. I want to do this follow-up for humanities first. cos it's due on friday. and I'm a bit paranoid about forgetting to do it/not bringing it (like what I did for maths. THANK GOODNESS I can do maths formulas in 10-15 minutes and... get 18/20?? amazing. well, it was super easy. thank goodness).
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Oh Shoot.
I'm definite that my Science dropped by 3 marks. And I'm pretty sure the Language Arts dropped by 2. Both are still in their original letter grades, but it means I'm closer to dropping one O:
It's not like I'm going to send you all my notes and everything, right, and allow you to copy my work. Chill. People have different interests. You need to find your own, and stop following or asking about mine.To: Another DudeCan you please, please, just acknowledge that not everyone fancies you and not everyone wants to be your best friend? Okay, maybe in your old school all the girls fell at your feet in blatant worship, but they're not like that here. You've gotta learn how to leave a girl alone when she tells you to. made a new skin! view it
here!finished reading
shopaholic and sister by
sophie kinsella today; finished
confessions of a shopaholic yesterday. it's so sad that the library only has those two books in the series! and they're not even consecutive! O: I guess I just... have... to... hike... down... to... the... bookshop. *__* eyes gleam. ;D
It's kind of a slightly less bimbotic version of Meg Cabot's Guy Meets Girl and all that. For one, it's not all about making out.
rate and comment on zee blogskeen plees! ;D
and to zhongxuan: OSTICKEN! (did I spell it right. =.=)
and and and!
I've found out
john is
xxxxxx xxxx ;DD and happy for him! yay! (no, the Xs don't stand for kissin' jlee ;D or chia. or yong. YOU GET THE POINT. ;D)
shall go check powerschool.
NOW I'm getting a leetle paranoid about that test we did today during humanities. it was semi-difficult, but I was sleepy and foggy-brained so it didn't really hit me that much as it would have if I were in a full focus-then-panic state. ;D
but does that mean I fared worse?
oh no.
let's go see, shall we?
Monday, September 22, 2008
I Can So Believe Your Lies.
lalalala I suddenly feel like creating a blogskin with fancy fonts! I
must try out my Photoshop. Dang. haven't gotten round to doing it.
I think I am addicted to fan fiction. worst still, addicted to
certain fan fiction works, such that I can practically reel off some sentences, just like I am with the Harry Potter series. and A Ring of Endless Light. I read them all so much.
I mean, the E/C fan fics are always so sweet! ;D
(snorts to self)
today we had this Freedom From Chemical Dependency talk thing. kind of shocking in a passive way. I mean, the speaker was in rehab TWICE, and her sister's an alcoholic! I've never met an alcoholic before. I mean, she looks like the secretary kind. NOT the kind to ever, ever get addicted.
really proves the point that alcoholics look like you or me, right.
update from mr. vaughan: I need to stop being a graceful dancer. I need to be more AGGRESSIVE! this is so amazing. he was like, Grace, I know you're probably a graceful dancer and everything, but you need to be more aggressive! Look, Tata's being more aggressive! [is thrown a ball] isn't that so cool-in-a-weird-way.
isn't that awesome.
I am HOPING that my fitness will improve by the time I return to singapore. O:
okay. here's my Resolution:
Okay. Fanfic or photoshop?
Why do I have the feeling I will end up fanfic-reading soon?
PS Finished reading
Confessions of a Shopaholic today! it was sooo good. (I checked it out today. I must stop bad habit of reading voraciously in a moving bus.)
Friday, September 19, 2008
- ahaha yes when I went back to singapore I had a srsly extensive WMP library and hilary duff -whom I hadn't listened to in ages- was part of it so I had to make one ;D
- well, don't dig it when you're thinking, it's worse :/ JUST KIDDING
- haha here we don't have A*, it's just A-, A, then A+, zenith. ;D yes, the A+ is really elusive D:
yay, done. I need to find a chim chim topic to write about. O: LOL. how about my essential question?
does conformity affect our ability to form opinions and stick to them?
actually it should be something like, how does conformity affect our ability to form opinions and stick to them, because without the how, it's a Y-N question, kind of like a lab report problem question O:
anyway! I don't think conformity affects our ability to form opinions, because conformity is kind of like an outside thing, a facade, that doesn't penetrate the heart and mind extensively; but stick to them- yeah, I think conformity affects that ability. Conformity is kind of like a glue; you can think of the outside but you can't reach it or stay there cos you're glued to conformity.
chimness looks nice on a blog. O.O
I'm blubbahring.
I should install my photoshop! Toodles, y'all. ;D
I just realized Miss T had 191 posts when I 'abandoned' it and this one has like 142 already O.O I intend it to last till the last of my ISB years! O: how will I survive. I already want to create a new blog O: although IDK about the URL.
www.sweetintoxicated.blogspot.com? LOL. ;D or
www.teamaresiempre.blogspot.com LOL it means 'I will always love you'. Te amaré siempre. In Spanish, duh. But then nobody will remember my URL. It looks like tea mare siempre. O.o
I always thought that if Ping Ghee and I merged accounts we could name it sweet-intoxxiqated. ;DD Hmmm. Thinking of names is fun. Thinking of cool names is a mean feat. I came up with this one in the middle of a particularly boring maths sabbatical and drew it all over my -ahem- notes. ;DD
www.xxfleurxx.blogspot.comwww.xxmiss-txx.blogspot.comwww.xxsenti-mentalityxx.blogspot.comLOL they get longer and longer. I remember I didn't even
want xxfleurxx as my URL but then it was the only one available that I could consider (with 'fleur' in it lah ;D).
About School
I have decided to give an update about the classes I have.
Pd 1- Maths 8, Mr Huttner, A.So far we're at Unit 2-6 of Algebra. It's quite manageable. Every period we just sit down, exchange homework to grade, then start on a new topic, and we're assigned our homework for the new topic. It's a routine I've become used to. It's a great way to spend the lesson. Starting on a new topic involves Mr Huttner explaining the basics, then giving examples and either calling people to solve them, or asking all of us to solve them- in which case he goes around to each desk and corrects us.
Pd 2- Science 8, Mr Huttner, A-.So far we're learning Rocks & Minerals. Our test is next Friday. We've learnt chromatography and fingerprints already- both as part of a Forensic Science unit. Science is also quite manageable. Nowadays we're doing labs on identifying minerals. My lab partner's
Amy. :D
Pd 3- Publications, Dr. Everett, A+.This is a fun class. It's slacky, with the understanding that you're allowed to do whatever you want as long as you know that you're responsible for your own grade at the end of the day. Some people can be jealous at the amount of articles *some* people (:/) have published, but it's really just down to the fact that if *they* stopped playing computer games during lessons they could get an A+ too. It's not like we don't have the time to achieve it. Quarter's not over yet and I've already written -and published- 20 articles. We have slightly over a hundred in total. Check out the LITM link to read the articles!
Pd 4- Dance- Intro to Modern/Jazz, Ms Price, A.We just had our performance during the assembly today! The energy was so contagious as we rehearsed and then squirmed in our seats while waiting for our turn. In dance, we do warm-ups (a dance), stretches (including 40 crunches!), and finally, practising a dance- which we finally performed today. It's called the Yes/No dance, and it's kind of like a combo of hip hop and modern dance. It's so cool- tiring but fun.
Pd 5- PE, Mr Vaughan, no grade (
That's Mr
Von for you, not
Vog-an, like I originally thought. LOL! PE is ok as long as we don't have to run a mile, which we do once a week. I've already improved on my timing but it's like hell :/ When we're not running we do basketball, except today was supposed to be the last lesson before we embark on team handball.
Pd 6- Spanish 1 (Espanol Uno), Senor Ethridge, A+.This is the awesomenest class that ever existed.
End of story.
Pd 7- Humanities Language Arts, Mr Kenney, A.Slightly boring, but liveable, and the activities we do are interesting enough. Yes, I know, I appear to be contradictory. But go through the lessons yourself and you'll understand. ;D
Pd 8- Humanities Social Studies, Mr Kenney, A-.We're doing Economy now. Most recently, Essential Questions, which are like questions with no definite yes-no answer. Or something like that. Mine was,
Does conforming affect our ability to form our own opinions and stick to them?;D
Oh my, a long post. O.O
Yellow Ribbon Project
THE YELLOW RIBBON PROJECT! Find out more.I find it heartbreakingly meaningful and am glad my mother donated money last Sunday when we visited Singapore. I have the yellow ribbon with me now. It's really sad how society discriminates against ex-convicts who are, really, just people who have made mistakes, just like all of us have. The Yellow Ribbon Project's tagline really pulls at your heart-strings:
Help unlock the second prison. It's hard to realize that even when some are let out of physical prison they're still in emotional prison hell, because their family and friends might not let them back into their lives.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
firstly, I'd like to say:
that aside, hope you like it, cos I do :DD
it's already up on BS; I just decided to change my skin and was too lazy to create a new one, so taadaa!
hilary duff's wake up is heart-ed! I thought the version playing was cool and wondered why there was like this man's voice going on at the same time, then I played around with the windows and discovered the man's voice was coming from an ad on myflashfetish O.o
:D isn't the iPod cute? they have an iPod Touch player too but this one's nicer :D
lol, now most of my posts have like two GRACEY sign-offs O:
Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence |
You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well. An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly. You are also good at remembering information and convincing someone of your point of view. A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary.
You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator. |
This is like, insulting, lol:
You Are 52% Interesting |
You are a fairly interesting person. Many people find you to be intriguing. You have a dynamic, adventurous life... a life that others envy.
You are genuinely interested in and open to the world. You love making new friends, and you're always up for an unusual experience.
Like everyone else, you can get a bit boring from time to time. That's normal. But unlike everyone else, you can pull yourself out of a rut. You don't stay boring for long. |
Cool, halfpoint O:
You Are 50% Weird |
Normal enough to know that you're weird... But too damn weird to do anything about it! |
Your French Name is: |
Destinee Evrard |
You Are An Intro-Extrovert! |
Sometimes you're social - sometimes you're shy You've got a bit of an Introvert / Extrovert split going on You enjoy all sorts of situations. Parties, small groups, and alone time. Too much of one, and you'll long for the other. You need variety! Chances are, you've got both serious and fun friends - and they don't get along. |
Maths- A. This is a slight improvement, but I'm not too sure about the number grade.
Science- A-. Damn. The A eludes me still!
Publications- A+, 100. Nothing I can do about it.
Dance- A, 94. NOTHING I CAN DO TO RAISE IT! ARGH! It's been 94 for AGES.
Lang Arts- A, 96. WHAT DOES AN A+ TAKE?? D: I want an A+ in LA
Social studies- A-. Dang. D: The A eludes me too. For science and social studies. (alliteration!)
Thankfully we don't have a grade for PE, or I'd be like a C or D. Or F. O.o MSG 3.880! WHOOHOO! 0.0- I mean, 0.120 to a perfect MSG! work harder, Grace! :D
today during publications, which is a quarter class, my friend was like SHE'S WRITTEN ENOUGH TO COVER A
YEAR. then I said, not a year, maybe a semester; cos for semester to get A+ you must write 18. and I'm like, I haven't even
written 18. then I counted.
oh, 19.
fanfiction here I come!
I tell you I'm mixed up with all my eriks and christines (yes, I ONLY read E/C PotO fanfics; they're the best and they're the whole point of PotO fanfics). there's erik lavonne and christine daae, the ORIGINAL love of music pair who first got me hooked anyway, so kudos, they're the sweet pair; there's erik saint-michel and christine dickerson, who're the drama but damn loving pair in lessons of love; there's erik everard and christine dailey in heal my heart who're also drama but damn loving (cos it's the same author LOL); and finally there's.. there's.. OH DAMN WHAT ARE THEIR NAMES. erik something and christine decker. OH YAH, NEUVELLE or something. they're cool ^-^ they're from.. time for love.
yes, I've finished all those fanfics. top would be lessons for love tied with love of music, followed by heal my heart, then time for love. :D
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
keyboard, penelope
my k key isn't working.and I'm addicted to penelope. it's one of my favourite movies from now on. and the song waking life from the soundtrack is one of my favourite songs from now on!"I'm not lost, just looking for the prince."http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXwgdSoSo3o♥GRACEY!
Monday, September 15, 2008

diane, pearl, jayne, victoria, neil, thomas and I! fred took the picture D: I am starting to realize, maybe fred won't be in a lot of photos LOL because he takes them :D MISS YOU LOTS TOO CON 1 1015! *sniff* lol
visited singapore over the long weekend and came back last night. I was all woozed out D: and nearly couldn't get up today.
and guess who is new to our bus? guess-who's decided to make disturbing me a top priority. whoohoo, I'm SOOO excited. guess what, I love my sarcasm, it's so, like, SINCERE.
finished all my homework that's due tomorrow. namely, spanish. (and later I need to pack my dance clothes, but whatever. cos you see, we're performing on friday, and ms price wants to see our outfits to 'check' and see how it works out :D)
well, well, well.
35 minutes to tuition, I'll just relax and read PotO fan fictions. you know what, the sad thing about them, is that they always leave me daydreamy and wishing that there were more nice guys in the world.
oh, there are nice guys, but they don't talk much.
you know?
Saturday, September 13, 2008
my uncle and his family are taking us out for dinner! :Dhis kids are so cute O:
Mr Kenney's first name, is an enigma.
Who would have guessed I would be so dependent on my schedule, which lists all the teachers and their first names? And here I am, without it, needing it to email Mr Kenney about the lesson I missed on Wednesday.
Tell me, I am the luckiest person in the world.
saturday afternoon fever! dance dance :D
BeeGees! with funny hair and revolutionary outfits!
I think that my outing with chingying has officially drunkenized me O.O anyway! WALL-E IS SO CUTE MAN YOU MUST WATCH IT IF YOU HAVEN'T, AND REWATCH IT IF YOU HAVE, BECAUSE IT IS SO CUTE IT IS AWESOME. :D
one off for my wishlist! oh, wait, two more. audrey hepburn's being kicked out because chingying so nice give me this winnie the pooh picture thing to hang up :D and my mum bought me penelope! AND WAIT ANOTHER ONE: my mum bought me adobe! omg, today is my lucky day :D
I need to email my teachers about lessons missed on wednesday D: I mean, which teacher lets students off on a long weekend without homework? I just hope they haven't given much cos I don't have much left of the *cough* long weekend. most of it was taken up by, let's see, coughing and feeling weak D:
thanks guys for well wishes! me is getting better :D thanks jojo and alex :D haha writing is nothing awesome you can do it too :D
Friday, September 12, 2008
Little Miss Muffet;
New Skin!

wake up, wake up,
on a saturday night.
oh, the joys of listening to hilary duff :D anyway. new skin! it's COLOURFUL! :D
this pretty? :D
might use it for this blog. but I don't particularly like too much black. -.- HEYHO, OFF I GO TO MAKE ANOTHER ONE :D Photoshop is loved. :D
Thursday, September 11, 2008
dear 112,I'm seriously sorry I didn't come today!I am still down with sore throat and a nose which is not being rather nice to me. oh man, I miss 112 D:
well anyway my parents said most likely we can come back during october break too so if I don't fall sick then too (PLEASE, NO) then I can visit NY :D
going out with chingying on saturday. I hope I don't faint or something. O.o I don't think so lah. Going to see doctor soon. (I TYPED DOCTOBER. -.-)
OFF TO ADOBE PHOTOSHOP! I'm going to use it while the opportunity lasts -.- I haven't used it in like, a month or more. *sniff*
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
the copy and paste + blockquote seems screwed, now the excerpts look like poems. oh well. I hope nobody steals my words and plagiarises them or something :/ DON'T OKAY. IT'S MEAN AND UNETHICAL.
sneak peek
@ the story I'm writing! progress is currently limited; words are crawling. I'm stuck at 4 pages. ah well. main character is
kate sinombre, (sinombre is a word I coined from the spanish term for 'no name') and she lives in
tejer, a place which is famous for weaving, and which is going through political turmoil, as it subtly overtakes
delabraume. also vital to the story plot is
guezon, a group which fights for the freedom of delabraume.
first paragraph:
The girl sat at her window sill, hugging her knees to her chest and tracing
a heart on the frosted window. Snowflakes slowly drifted past her gaze,
falling ever so gently to join the white, unblemished blanket that covered
the pavements. Curfew time had fallen. The evening sky was slowly
darkening, and lights around Tejer were flicking on as people sat down to
their looms and began their work in a fluid, almost simultaneous motion.
something from the next few pages:
Kate had never known her real parents. She had been found, bundled in a thin,
grey material, coughing from the harsh cold winds of a Tejer winter, at the foot
of a government building, where the young Señor Blanco, fresh from his days in
an English university, had found her, and brought her home to his delighted
Spanish wife, who had been longing for a child for years, to no avail. Kate
loved the couple she called her parents, but sometimes when she was alone she
would rest her hands on the loom gently and think about the man and woman who
had brought her to this world. Were they from Tejer? And why –the unsaid
question burned Kate’s tongue and heart- why had she been abandoned?
The heart she had traced an eternity ago on the window had been filled up and erased from its easel. Kate got up, abandoning the work she had been doing, and sat on the windowsill again, as she tended to do whenever thoughts of her real parents occurred. Gently and quietly she retraced the heart, and thought, Do they love me? She shook her head violently to get rid of the ugly thought. It felt like
black ink –negro, the colour of the Guezón’s heart, the colour of their
intentions, the colour her papá’s face got when the Guezón troubled him- seeping
through the pristine white snow, disturbing her.
how is it? :D
oops, I'm poparticated again
cartoonated me
is too small :/ sigh. I DID try re-cartoon-ating it (recartoonating O.o) but didn't work as well, strangely enough. I still love the sunglasses pop art tho. will popart more :D
another pic

originally did this cartoonish but then resized it too small and couldn't undo so shall try putting the too-small pic into profile and see how it goes :D
I look so retro-film-star ish lol.
photobucketed :D

(yes that's me :D haha) to this incredibly hippy image! look:

isn't it so cool ^-^ the hearts are a little weird -.- but okay lah :D lol. so drama right. I love my sunglasses! here they are:
aren't the pictures so nice ^-^ I [HEART] THEM SO :D
staying at home;
I've got a terrible sore throat O: You'd have laughed seeing me last night. I had a headache as well as sore throat, felt rather woozy :/ Went to bed super early, then this morning when my mum woke me up she asked if I wanted to go to school. I said heck yeah cos today is the socratic seminar with the zola guy! (was his name john?) WHO WOULD MISS IT, MAN.
Turns out I did. Cos my sore throat was so bad I couldn't (can't) even talk properly, let alone attend a socratic seminar, where the whole point is that you
talk. So sad! D: I WAS LOOKING FORWARD TO THE SOCRATIC SEMINAR SO. D: and today was the dance quiz I think! and we might have gotten back our spanish exams! WHY TODAY, WHY ME. D: on the up side I'm staying at home and experimented with photobucket's edit-images tools, the
pop art is so cool :D
also checked powerschool just now. now back to straight-As, but have a list of absences for today's lessons D: sniff it looks so weird, all those little 1s in the column. D: ah well. so right now the tally is:
maths- A (from B+! :D)science- A- (not. budging.)publications- A+dance- Aspanish- A+lang arts- A+ (from A! :D)social studies- A- (not. budging.either.)whoohoo! :D
oh yes, if you haven't heard, I'm
coming back to singapore from this thursday (tomorrow!) to sunday, arriving and leaving in the evening. currently have no plans, except visiting NY on friday (has ms lye told 112 yet? IDK she said she would) and going out with chingying on saturday probably (nicki can't make it :/ oh, damn. uncle wants to have lunch together on saturday but if it's in the city then I'll probably not go if not how I go to TM :/ or wherever it is that chingying and I decide to meet at). may bump into some of you guys! :D
116th post | huiran's quiz
Oh man, .sentimentalist is catching up on Miss T and it's like, younger :O haha. I am bored and will do huiran's quiz. Actually have other choices (aka, bathe or do homework,
ESP DANG CHINESE HOMEWORK THAT LLS SET ME DAMN D: I need to stop slacking) but needless to say quiz is the best :D regardless of stupid blogger cutandpaste thing.
►Perfect: nobody is, dear. I'm no exception.
►Tall: no. *squirms* I have sunken into a morbid depression about being a midget. :O haha
►In your pajamas: I don't own any, dahhling. :/
►Left handed: no
►Friend you saw: briannaaaa!
►Talked to on the phone: IDK. long long time ago. cos nobody in bkk has my number yet. so it was probably in like, singapore.
►Person to text you: my mum! :D asking if I got wet cos today it rained and the road gets slightly flooded when it rains.
►Is today better than yesterday? si, si, definitely.
►Number: 5. 9. 27. 21. 18. random numbers, but I like them :D
►Color: blue/white/ red
►Food: IDK. chicken nuggets from gourmet food hall! and plain egg omelette! (or omelette with bacon, or luncheon meat, I don't mind :D)
►Place: anywhere with "nice lovely people" to quote huiran :D
Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
kind of lay in bed wondering if I dreamt my mother waking me up.
Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
kind of.
Q: What's the last movie you watched in theaters?
kung fu panda. yes I know so backdated! O:Q: Where is the last place you went?
the, um, hall, to read the newspapers.
Q. Do you smile a lot?
heck yeah :D
Q: Do you wish upon stars?
Q: Are you a friendly person?
pretty much :D
Q: Where did you sleep last night?
on my bed. where else?
Q: Why did you sleep there?
it's where normal people sleep :D beds, that is, not necessarily MINE.
Q: When was the last time you cried?
on on on saturday when I was really screwed up and just randomly cried into my mother.
Q: What was your last thought before going to bed?
it's secret, dear. and my lips are S-E-A-L-E-D.
Q: Rate life as of right now, one being bad, ten being great?
7 :D
Q: What do you hear right now?
let it rain! by jojo! :D
Q: Does anything hurt you right now?
the slackiness of me. O:
Q: What's your favorite month?
Are you missing someone right now?
kind of?
Are you single?
heck yeah. (I like that phrase. HECK YEAH DUDE.)
Are you tired?
Are your parents still married?
duh why wouldn't they be ):
-Real name? duff, dude. hilary duff. slash, grace.
-Age?12+. turning thirteeeeen soon!
Eye color?dark brown
-Male or female?male. JUST KIDDING. female, lah.
-Crushing?not really?
-Smart?you tell me
-Sweats or Jeans?jeans
-Phone or Camera? CAMERA!
-Health freak? not really
-Righty or lefty? rightyho. :D
-smoke or drink?neither! me underage.
the following is all from huiran's blog cos I'm too tired to answer all today :/ lol. will probably bathe. going on the computer makes my shoulders ache. OMG WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME I WROTE 'AKE', THEN 'ACKE', AND WONDERED WHAT WAS WRONG WITH IT, THEN REALIZED IT WAS 'ACHE'. *headdesks*♥GRACIE!
======================================FIRSTS:►First best friend?rachel, but not the one that eats flowers. (SHIT, OMG, she was a wang too! O: but not a min :D)►First award?uhm, best in bilingual/3rd in standard, P1.►First enemy?
this girl called aurelia or something in P1/2►First pet?
cat, omg, laura.►First vacation?either france or china, but i only remember france because china is so gah i go to china all the time.CURRENTLY:►Eating? nothing, but kitkat 20 minutes ago.
►Drinking? nothing, but tea 20 minutes ago :D►Listening to? How To Save a Life - The Fray (OMG HEART!)►Plans for tommorow? bishan library, thursday, to study or not to study!►Waiting for? everything.=======================================WHICH IS BETTER WITH THE OPPOSITE GENDER:►Lips or eyes? ..eyes.►Shorter or taller? taller dah!►Romantic or spontaneous? spontaneous►Sensitive or loud? sensitive►Hook-up or in a relationship? relationship
(don't like this section much, it requires too much soul-baring)=======================================HAVE YOU EVER:►Drank hard drinks? wassat, because if it's like moutai please don't arrest me.►Lost glasses/contacts? glasses►Ran away from home? yeah, but it's complicated. (twice, but it's very complicated)►Broken someone's heart? nooo. maybe. idk.►Been arrested? hahaha no!===================================ANSWER TRUTHFULLY:►Do you like someone? i don't think so.►Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? happy :D but not that happy.
nicki's blogskin done!
view it on my
tester blog! cookie monster is so cute :D
Monday, September 8, 2008
Lumidee- Never Leave You (Uh Oh)
Should I change the music on my blog to this song? Listen to it at
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcTcgpeWZJw. It's rather catchy and it's from
Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen soundtrack :D or rather, was featured on. Tuition in less than an hour! Oh, shoot. Finished my homework already. Shall go haunt my fan-fics, and -slash- or write some more.
music up! homework, here I come...
song playing is
drama queen (that girl) by
lindsay lohan :D isn't the music player so cute? I wanted to put it in a orange-red iPod skin but this one was somehow more suited to this BS :D
anyway, humanities homework, here I come, before tuition befalls meh. D:
powerschool grades change
I checked powerschool again today. Blast you maths, you ruined my straight-A streak! D: LOL. No change whatsoever in letter grades, except in maths from an A- (I think) I went to B+ (grrr) and for lang arts from an A- to A (yay!). So it's bad and good news :D
Still listening to ABBA, cos I've listened to my playlist for dance songs back to front already. Yesterday was frustrated out of my wits, first doing this blogskin, then trying to install a music player. Will try again now. If it doesn't work I need to do my work, then I'll try again.
Have tuition today. SIGH! It's supposed to be at 6.30 but my teacher ALWAYS comes early. So I have 2 and a half hours, or less, to work and have a break. Cos my tuition ends at 8.00 or so, then I need to bathe and have dinner, PREFERABLY by 9.00.
Ah well.
And when I'm stuck with a day that's grey and lonely, I just stick up my chin and grin and say...Annie is full of cheery innocent songs :D I love how the singers always sound so innocent and young and cute, like in
Hard Knock Life and
Tomorrow, oh and
Maybe. They're all about bleak lives but manage to sound hopeful and yearning. ^-^
Well, I'd better go and try to put some music on this blog now...
Sunday, September 7, 2008
it took me hours. and it's not even what I imagined at first. sigh. if you scroll down in one of the posts there's a little white crack, that's cos the background-repeat:repeat thing didn't work and I had to insert the image twice so that half the posts wouldn't be hanging in white eternity.
but still isn't it so cool. JOIE DE VIVRE! it means the joy of living in french if you didn't know :D
phew. *has a sense of accomplishment*
view it on BS here :
http://www.blogskins.com/info/212243 (I'm too tired to code it D: lol)
Friday, September 5, 2008
;and you don't know how much I need you,
to stand beside youto breathe your airdon't move on is such a nice song! why is it so short D: sniff.
behind some doors, people are waiting; waiting to sparkle...
cat. class bs uploaded!
have uploaded the bs! yay! now working on a
confessions of a teenage drama queen blogskin. am going to put in the song
drama queen (that girl) using iWebMusic. watched the movie again last night, it was great :D
one day you'll open up your eyes, and you'll realize...♥GRACIE!
I have finally finished the catechism blog BS! view it at www.grace-is-testing.blogspot.com. Please take note that once I create a new BS and need to test it, the OLPS 1015 Con 1 class BS will be removed, so view it ASAP (while views last :D). Phew! sadly neil's gone off to confession so can't show it to him. off to dindins! :D♥GRACIE!
lol, that post was super long. checking powerschool again. let's see...
that person emailed me again.
WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM.sorry. okay. I shall stop ranting.
let's go on to cheerier things.
okay nvm.
I want to finish reading my
heal my heart fan fic (by
waytoointoerik! who is a fab writer about PotO!). then I shall do some homework, and maybe some chinese. MAYBE.
The Game Is On Again
ABBA is love. For the sheer fun of it, I am going to post the lyrics of
The Winner Takes It All here, because it is probably one of the best break-up songs ever. Or rather, many songs have been rated best break-up song ever, and this is one song that deserves it.
Watch It Here
View Lyrics here
I don't wanna talk about things we've gone through
Though it's hurting me, now it's history
I've played all my cards and that's what you've done too
Nothing more to say, no more ace to play
The winner takes it all, the loser standing small
Beside the victory, that's her destiny
I was in your arms, thinking I belonged there
I figured it made sense, building me a fence
Building me a home, thinking I'd be strong there
But I was a fool, playing by the rules
The gods may throw a dice, their minds as cold as ice
And someone way down here, loses someone dear
The winner takes it all, the loser has to fall
It's simple and it's plain, why should I complain
But tell me does she kiss,
like I used to kiss you
Does it feel the same, when she calls your name
Somewhere deep inside you must know I miss you
But what can I say, rules must be obeyed
The judges will decide, the likes of me abide
Spectators of the show, always staying low
The game is on again, a lover or a friend
A big thing or a small, the winner takes it all
I don't wanna talk if it makes you feel sad
And I understand, you've come to shake my hand
I apologize if it makes you feel bad
Seeing me so tense, no self-confidence
But you see
The winner takes it all
The winner takes it all
So the winner takes it all
And the loser has to fall
Throw a dice, cold as ice
Way down here, someone dear
Takes it all, has to fall
Yes it's plain ......
Isn't it so cool. ^-^
Now listening to SOS.
So when you're near me darling can't you hear me, SOSThe love you gave me nothing else can save me, SOSYay :D
when you're gonehow can I even tryto go onI want to change this skin, somehow it's like, plain. I think I've become slacky and whocarish in my attitude about skins. I need to change my attitude! If not, how am I going to attain my goal to
get SOTD!*spurs self on*
Today we ran like 4 rounds of the track during PE, and I died. I wish swimming was still on. BTW, our track is bigger than NY's. Probably 1.5 or 2x bigger. So 4 rounds there and here aren't the same. LOL! Mr. Vaughan said it's a mile but Tata says it's slightly more than that. IDK.
And today during dance we had the French substitute teacher, I forget his name :/ he was
sooo energetic! And so were his dances! My knee hurts. Srsly. D: Poo! But it was fun. LOL we learnt lots of fun new moves.
And during publications shawnie and I were asking people what were the weirdest things they'd done (chingying, shush) and shawnie said hers was screaming in the middle of a quiet part of a disney on ice show (cos she thought they'd finished) and when oda heard that she laughed so hard she cried. I nearly did too. it was so damn funny. shawnie, raimy, oda and I were all like rolling around laughing. XDDD
oh, and then there's M's (she doesn't want to be named) throwing up in the middle of watching hulk. LOL! poor hulk. he must feel bad. D:
and and and did I tell you what dr e said before he left, on wednesday, during lesson.
he was like, so people we have 76 articles now, go check it out. then he paused and continued, grace wrote 70, the rest of you wrote 6.
and got 100% for my spanish quiz 2. lol! zhen qiao. actually got 2 wrong but senor e looked thru and decided -0. so cool. ^-^ and then we did the whole president-and-minors conversation thing again. LOL!
so far, the day has been OK.
except someone seems to think that I actually am interested in having him or her as my one and only best friend. (chingying, you should feel bad, you've occupied that spot and never budged. so mean. D: lol.) and that someone seems to think that I like having him or her follow me around. as if I don't have other friends. PLEASE LET ME HAVE MY PERSONAL SPACE.that has been my flame. yay. I shall strikethrough. ahaha there, done. but please. I know that person will never read this but I just wanna cry out HELLO JUST LEAVE ME ALONE THANK YOUS VERY MUCH. sniff. (It's not you, john, don't worry.)
okay, I feel so much better :D
chingying, are you satisfied with my uber long post?
I need to link sher and samantha and sand. lol all Ss. alliteration!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
105th post- PowerSchool!
I finally got to check powerschool! cos somehow, they gave us the wrong username and pswd, so I couldn't access it, but finally ms baker gave me the correct ones today ^-^ so I got my grades!
maths- A-
science- A-
publications- A+
dance- A
spanish- A+
lang arts- A
social studies- A-
I think that's all, IDK. :/ can't remember. but it's all As! whoohoo!
I've gotten a new story idea. alex has already vatted through ^-^ lol. so I shall start writing! writing is a nice, time-consuming hobby. (: