BeeGees! with funny hair and revolutionary outfits!
I think that my outing with chingying has officially drunkenized me O.O anyway! WALL-E IS SO CUTE MAN YOU MUST WATCH IT IF YOU HAVEN'T, AND REWATCH IT IF YOU HAVE, BECAUSE IT IS SO CUTE IT IS AWESOME. :D
one off for my wishlist! oh, wait, two more. audrey hepburn's being kicked out because chingying so nice give me this winnie the pooh picture thing to hang up :D and my mum bought me penelope! AND WAIT ANOTHER ONE: my mum bought me adobe! omg, today is my lucky day :D
I need to email my teachers about lessons missed on wednesday D: I mean, which teacher lets students off on a long weekend without homework? I just hope they haven't given much cos I don't have much left of the *cough* long weekend. most of it was taken up by, let's see, coughing and feeling weak D:
thanks guys for well wishes! me is getting better :D thanks jojo and alex :D haha writing is nothing awesome you can do it too :D