Wednesday, November 19, 2008
the last goodbye
I feel bad about this having like a no-good sendoff about tagging jlee (which I'm not sure I did). so here goes! [I am NOT going to say toodles, a la xxfleurxx.] YES I KNOW THE MUSHY TITLE IS SO AWESOME :D
anyway, goodbye, sentimentalist, I'll miss you ):
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
tagged a lot of people. too lazy to do them anymore D: basically if I didnt tag you GO RELINK LAH.
and jlee I'm going to tag your blog just for the fun of it even tho I know u alr know :D WAHA.
Go, thank you! and
I'll probably tag on your blog. Yah.
and all that jazz
oh dear,
all that jazz is a crazy song.
guy: "is her husband at home?"
girl: "
no, her husband is
not at home, HARHAR!"
IDK if it's just the version I have, LOL. but it's got a very catchy tune. ruthie henshall is perfect for this. I heard her version before- but she's awfully skinny in the mv for it!
wanted to create a new navi skin but I'm too lazy to correct all the parts that went wrong (a LOT) so I'll create a simple one and use it here :D cos I feel like-
girl: "nobody walks out on ME!"
guy: "sweetheart..."
girl: "don't sweetheart me, you son of a *****!" (oh dear I didn't know this was in the song)
girl: "*mumble* oh dear, I gotta PEE!"
told you it was crazy. but just the dialogue parts. -.O
anyway. I feel like changing this skin. IDK, I get sick of skins LOL.
Monday, November 17, 2008
bs comp. upcoming
currently discussing a bs comp with zhongxuan or splatted`. considering: rainbow? sunset? movie/music icons? love?
ashley/vanessa comparisons?

no, thank you!
as you can see from the happy pic on the left, it's ASHLEY TISDALE and VANESSA HUDGENS!
to be honest, I'm quite sick of seeing 'Ashley/Vanessa: Who's Better?' or 'Zashley' videos on YouTube.
they're both actresses and singers who have their own strengths. in my opinion, ashley's a better role model in both aspects, but vanessa's got her strengths too. so we shouldn't be comparing them! it's like comparing Jay-Z with Akon or something. they're both musicians, but they've got their own way of life. no use comparing.
ashley's got her own BF. and zac and vanessa chose each other. so we shouldn't intefere with their relationships. it's like if someone comes up to you and says, you shouldn't be dating xx, you should be dating yy. (come to think of it, this zashley thing kind of proves how great an actress ashley is, to come to the point where people believe both of them really ARE a pairing.)
this has been a crude attempt at posting something that isn't about myself. I think I failed LOL. and as a result posted something that isn't really.. well... good. LOL. I just wasted my time! shucks x_x 1 hour to tuition! AAAAH!-
my day
not much to talk about.
for art, I started on working with oil pastels, which, if you didn't know, are EXTREMELY hard to wash off. thank goodness they came off in the bath, or I'd have gone around for the rest of my life with orange and blue stains on my right hand.
(sidetalk: 1 hour 20 mins to tuition. GAH.)
for humanities, finished TLP (again). am with christine, alex (*mutter*) and loic for this lit. circle activity thing we're doing. it sounds exciting, but
not with group members *koffkoff* who keep asking me what to do. it's your role! not mine! read the directions and just
follow them! simple as A-B-C. ;_; sigh. I'm the director thingy, same as pichaporn, but she has better questions (I think). LOL. the only questions I could think of was like what does ___ represent and why. stuff like that.
PE: indoor lacrosse! AWESOMENESS AT ITS BEST :D cos it was not so hot. and we got to sit out sometimes cos we had too many players. yay yay yay. srei sat out twice. out of three games. but she claimed she was sick, IDK.
(sidetalk: YOUUUUU GOT A FRIEND IN ME :D disney songs! sorry :X)
spanish: I NEED ALL MY PICS! BLEHBLOOHBLAH. thanks much to
jlee and
mich for sending me pics (: (LEEN'S ALWAYS OFFLINE WHEN I WANT THE PICS AAAAH.) I need unblur pics of jeremy and jian chong (who was online just now but signed off- DAMN). I have batch pic but IDK if I can use that. if not I'll just ask jorden to send me his pic if he signs on. or... eh... I shall.... think of some other guy I suppose. or loic! or yongmin. whatever.
(bad imitation of rihanna.)
I feel like creating a new blog! but a part of me still clings on to SENTIMENTALIST :D
lalala. oh. coming up: rant about vanessa/ashley comparisons. they irritate me. fuzzfuzz.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
carried away
oh dear, was going to do this image for this hoohaa competition on but got carried away blog-hopping.
have decided to go read fanfic instead!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
thelyricscompetition skin DONE! not what I envisaged. but good enough. (isn't this the case for all my skins? @_@) anyway here it is:
haven't finished my h/w, eeyer. good thing is, only h/w is to source pics of some friends I listed down for my spanish project. pheeewwww.
GTG for dinner luh. sorry for not updating!
sweet-intoxication-faker: I'm sorry you didn't get my bs/da username right. I hope you won't try again cos it's useless. Thanks.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
SkinnyFashion competition skin COMPLETED!
At long last!
The line art I did admittably isn't the best. The original img has better line art cos of the colour. But oh well! this is AWESOME!
here to view it! rate and comment please! it's called
glamourettes. (yes, I went with using the blackandwhite pic. ;D)
wish me good luck in the competition :X
anyway! going out in 15 minutes. must go off to submit to the comp. buhbye!
oh yah:
danielle, you evil person, if you see this, please contact your brother, because he MSN-ed me asking whether I knew who else was at natalie's house baking cookies or smth. he told me you were uncontactable. :X (your poor brother!)
skinny fashion comp. pics

I want to use the
glamourettes one cos it's simpler... what do you think?
impression or
this crush ain't going away
david archuuuuuletaaaaaa! :D
personally, I think david cook deserves the title of american idol more than david archuleta does (if he'd won, that is), because his voice has more power and a better range. but david archuleta just appeals to the young crowd I suppose. and his voice is quite good for a general range of songs (: oh man, I love his song
crush. singing Crush! a leetle fast, but good! cos it's a hard song to sing! ;DD
anyway. I need to code my skin for the
skinny fashion competition! on! got two images cos first one was a leetle too unsimple. (cos the theme is simplicity + fashion.)
pictures in next post!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Bambadeedoodah, it's the WEEKEND! (:
Tomorrow, I'm endeavouring to wake up early so that we can all go to the
floating market, where my dad wants to go very very much but we didn't cos I always
overslept (shh)! So I
must wake up early tomorrow. Very. Must ask dad what time is early exactly. (Me: "Would 10 suffice?" XD)
Today! was
Alternate Dress Day and the dress code was
Come in the dress code you want or something. I wanted to wear this colourful stripey babydoll dress I have, but it's a bit too low-cut so I had to wear a shirt underneath. And just my luck today was sooo hot so in the morning I changed plans and wore the original shirt with jeans. And just changed one hair accessory. (Haha yes, I'm RIGHT DOWN TO THE DETAILS :D) No important details for school. Just that for art we're moving on to abstract self-portrait, and my my do I look horrible in that pic Ms Best took of me ):
Tomorrow too! going to
Shangri-La for dinner! they're having this murder play thing! where actors act out a murder mystery you have to guess as you eat a brilliant four-course meal! (I think I'd die by the second course. No pun intended.) wanted to go Chatuchak too (turquoise tank tops! nuuu!) but my mother reminded me, with iron in her voice, that I have tuition tomorrow. pfffteesh.
today! my order's screwed. anyway! my mum's cousin and her friend, and my DAD's friend, are coming to dinner! we're having roast chicken with yummy mango sauce. and I need to bathe before they come. needless to say I haven't. so I GTG. this was
supposed to be a short post.
I found a
lineart tutorial, it's freaky awesome :D always wanted to do lineart! just go to today's SOTD by sofmy and click on the link there. she's awesome. (: (I hope I got her username right.)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
set a goal
I have a new goal.I have to be a published author by age sixteen.If not, all this lifelong wishin' and hopin' has gone to nothing!Something has got start somewhere.
I'm going to make a man outta you!
haha MULAN! I'm listening to my disney cd :D yay yay yay beauty and the beast!
was going to finish up a hayden panettiere
wake-up call bs (it amazes me how paris-hilton like hilary duff and hayden panettiere have gotten! they used to be my all time role models for being so unlike paris hilton and sleazy!) but decided that life wasn't all about bs-es, and what the heck they took ages to make anyway. so slacked, checking my mail and sent an uberlong one to chingying :D
tale as old as time:D
I feel like starting on a new fan fic!
sometimes I ask myself why I don't write fan fics, but then I remind myself that I would eternally destroy readers' perceptions of how romantic erik and christine can be. :D I love romance, but I doubt I could WRITE it.
okay. MUST GET STARTED ON WRITING. got started last time. was full of happy ideas. ideas died, story died, hands died because of writer's block. WRITER'S BLOCK IS THE WORST CURSE YOU COULD EVER GET.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
oriental beauty

don't ask me why it has
with love, love, love, love on it. I couldn't think of anything to write D:
I think I got a leetle carried away with the patterns :D haha I found this uberawesome site with patterns! so I got carried away! IS THAT A CRIME O_O
CONGRATULATIONS BARACK OBAMA FOR BEING ELECTED AMERICA'S (44th?) PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!ohmy, I'm so excited :D my dad called just now and he asked me to turn on CNN, and I was like NO YOU TELL ME, and he was like turn it on! so I said, Obama won, right? because I was so sure he was going to win, Obama's awesome :D, then my dad said yeah okay turn CNN on it's historic so I did. and turned it off after listening to part of mccain's concession speech (or smth) and a crowd cheering "OH-BA-MA!" for like 10 minutes ;_; I wanted to see Obama, but guess I'll have to wait for that...
I can't remember abby's blog!!
(I remember clicking on some nygh links and somehow stumbled across someone's blog who had a link to hers, but now I can't rmbr what link path I took.)
I just wasted a lot of time.
if anyone knows abby's (PSL. 112ers might know.) blog please leave a tag with the link!! thank you!*wants to link abby* ):
must link sarah goh now.
unleashed upon the world
view my new skin
here. it's based on Taylor Swift's
Love Story.
staying home right now cos of block nose and the overall feeling that my head's put on 50kg of weight. not so good, but after having much much rest feel better :D
I feel like creating another skin! yesterday there was no SOTD.
again. so it's still xmissyger's. sigh. I must admit maybe I'm getting a leetle too sotd-obsessed :D
haha. but look at it this way: you spend hours on a blogskin, you feel it looks good and so do some people on, and you get hopeful, and then you find out the SOTD opportunity has been wasted on some unworthy skin. maybe 'unworthy's a little too strong, and I do think xmissyger deserved 99% of that SOTD, but some of them are totally not. like the
your love is a lie one. practically everyone said that was so un-SOTD material.
must get to work. just cos I'm sick doesn't mean I should submit all my work late tmr.
woke up feeling it was thurs and got happy. then found out it was wednesday. oh well.
let's see what's due tmr.
I only have to study for my spanish and science tests. spanish's done, so science. (I hate rocks. seriously.)
other than that I doubt there's anything! :D and on friday the only thing that's due is to study for maths chap 4 test!
I need to ask mr huttner about 4-4, tho. my brains are jelly over THAT one. was going to ask him today but since I'm sick... (growls) redo is due tmr so there's no way I can hand it in. but I got a 76% so tt's okay, since redo can only bring me up to 80%. not like I got 40% or smth.
Monday, November 3, 2008
I maxed on 145.
how optimistic is THAT outlook???
ok, ok, I SRSLY need to bathe before the tchr comes.
"tried, but didn't succeed" is not the same as "failed"
oh well. tried to create a new skin that had bgs of notebook paper with a heading,
dear diary, today I fell in love, but it's all screwed up and I'm frustrated. :X I should have just used trusty old codes and created a cliched skin. at least THEN I would have had some sense of achievement, because the one I'm less-than-halfway-thru now doesn't even look like what I imagined it to be.
oh dear, I'm all but hopeful;right now need to bathe before tuition, so I get refreshed, quote my mum.
I suppose she's right. my nerves are all frazzled from skinning. I suppose I'll never get an SOTD... I rated today's SOTD yesterday, it was just another slightly cliched skin and the welcome page was so messy!! to me, that is.
I thought that it would cheer me up to visit cy's friend cassandra's blog, cos cy said cass likes my skins and wants to use one of them, but then it turned out she's using a past-SOTD that I faved.
anyone using my skins??? seriously!
even zhongxuan has had 900 hits.
I bet mine's maxed on 100-200.
*is depressed*
paint your palette blue blue blue
it shall be simple.
because I have one hour till tuition starts ;_;
and after tuition it's basically qiong-bathe-dinner-packbag-sleep. no time for skinning- or anything else, for that matter.
thank GOODNESS I finished my hw already. ;D
if I were truly a trabajadora (hard worker) I would do my 4-4 redo. but it's due thurs. SO THERE. ;DDD
there's no pe tomorrow!there's no pe tomorrow!didn't have it today either, actually, cos I woke up with a sore throat and blocked nose -ever know how bad THAT is on a
monday?- so got to sit at the bleachers or whatever those things are called while everyone else learned lacrosse. whee. it would be better if they were running or smth, cos now I'm behind everyone else on a new sport. damn. esp since tata says it's difficult, tho I heard nicole and christina testifying that it was their now-favourite-sport. O.o
amy, mindy, robbie and win (*cough*) didn't come today. because they were all sick, I think. wonder if there's a bug going around.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
bewitched!pride and prejudice new skin
HERE! to view the skin that took me two days to complete ;_;
Saturday, November 1, 2008
low low low low low
haha LOW! flo rida ft t-pain! if you think about the lyrics they don't make much sense. "shorty got low low low low low." like wth O.o haha! anyway! they played it at the halloween booha social yesterday, it was so cool! everyone was like jumping around dancing then when it got to the low low low part everyone all went -guess- lowwwww LOL. it's like we were all going low-lower-lower-lower-loweeeest and then jumping up again. ;DD
haha as you can tell the social was kind of fun. the dancing, at least. I'm addicted to
disturbia! by rihanna! bum-bum-de-dum-dum-dum-de-dum-bum. ;D they played it last night too. and stuff like I kissed a girl (the beat is nice but I don't like the lyrics). and elevator. and like only two slow songs. in which people like anna (?) and becca slow-danced with guys. like brandon. who was a cowboy. O.o
but other than that... the cupcakes were good ;D the PTA did an awesome job of halloween-theming stuff but other than dancing and grabbing coke and sprite and orange juice and biscuits, (we went to haunted house but it wasn't tt good - except the 40B went to tsunami relief! ;D) there wasn't much to do. it made you want to sit down in a proper quiet environement, drink hot chinese tea and have pizza. or smth. I wanted pizza cos I was hungry but they only had stuff like cupcakes, donuts, biscuits, brownies, etc. (which are totally nice but not for the esp hungry. :X)
oh well. I don't think I'll go to another social. except maybe winter or smth IDK. cos my feet hurt a lot after tt, the bus had some rowdy people (not tt they disturbed me much, thank goodness, unlike SOME PEOPLE *cough cough*), got stuck in a jam and it was SOOOO COLD in the bus! even with my air con off and jacket on! when I got off my specs were ALL frosted and my hands were like shivering. :_:
was halfway thru a bs -PRIDE AND PREJUDICE! MR DARCY! KEIRA KNIGHTLEY! IS THERE A BETTER MOVIE??- using dancingsheep basecodes (WITH PERMISH) when tuition tchr came ._. but now I need to do my catechism postah! about my soontobe name! CHRISTIANNE!