I have decided to give an update about the classes I have.
Pd 1- Maths 8, Mr Huttner, A.So far we're at Unit 2-6 of Algebra. It's quite manageable. Every period we just sit down, exchange homework to grade, then start on a new topic, and we're assigned our homework for the new topic. It's a routine I've become used to. It's a great way to spend the lesson. Starting on a new topic involves Mr Huttner explaining the basics, then giving examples and either calling people to solve them, or asking all of us to solve them- in which case he goes around to each desk and corrects us.
Pd 2- Science 8, Mr Huttner, A-.So far we're learning Rocks & Minerals. Our test is next Friday. We've learnt chromatography and fingerprints already- both as part of a Forensic Science unit. Science is also quite manageable. Nowadays we're doing labs on identifying minerals. My lab partner's
Amy. :D
Pd 3- Publications, Dr. Everett, A+.This is a fun class. It's slacky, with the understanding that you're allowed to do whatever you want as long as you know that you're responsible for your own grade at the end of the day. Some people can be jealous at the amount of articles *some* people (:/) have published, but it's really just down to the fact that if *they* stopped playing computer games during lessons they could get an A+ too. It's not like we don't have the time to achieve it. Quarter's not over yet and I've already written -and published- 20 articles. We have slightly over a hundred in total. Check out the LITM link to read the articles!
Pd 4- Dance- Intro to Modern/Jazz, Ms Price, A.We just had our performance during the assembly today! The energy was so contagious as we rehearsed and then squirmed in our seats while waiting for our turn. In dance, we do warm-ups (a dance), stretches (including 40 crunches!), and finally, practising a dance- which we finally performed today. It's called the Yes/No dance, and it's kind of like a combo of hip hop and modern dance. It's so cool- tiring but fun.
Pd 5- PE, Mr Vaughan, no grade (
That's Mr
Von for you, not
Vog-an, like I originally thought. LOL! PE is ok as long as we don't have to run a mile, which we do once a week. I've already improved on my timing but it's like hell :/ When we're not running we do basketball, except today was supposed to be the last lesson before we embark on team handball.
Pd 6- Spanish 1 (Espanol Uno), Senor Ethridge, A+.This is the awesomenest class that ever existed.
End of story.
Pd 7- Humanities Language Arts, Mr Kenney, A.Slightly boring, but liveable, and the activities we do are interesting enough. Yes, I know, I appear to be contradictory. But go through the lessons yourself and you'll understand. ;D
Pd 8- Humanities Social Studies, Mr Kenney, A-.We're doing Economy now. Most recently, Essential Questions, which are like questions with no definite yes-no answer. Or something like that. Mine was,
Does conforming affect our ability to form our own opinions and stick to them?;D
Oh my, a long post. O.O