I just had to forget there was Spanish homework over the weekend! I just had to! finished it during maths/science anyway, after I'd finished the test, but it's still late! oh damn. my grade will go down
so. and I wanted a higher grade! shoot.
checking powerschool now. ahaha I'm so
kiasu! ;D
and and and we got our humanities writing assessment back today! the one where we had to write an expository essay on one of four prompts or so. I GOT FULL MARKS!
I got all 5s in all the criteria(s?), which is Meets The Acceptable Standard of Excellence. yay!
oh. my GPA's still 3.85. pffft. it
USED to be 3.88. ever since I got my PE grade it's gone down. oh well. at least my pe grade isn't an F. I thought it would be.
LA is still A! damn. I WANT A+ LAH. GO ON MR KENNEY, PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE? O: lol haha. but still! few more points! *.*
shit. 1 hour 15 minutes to tuition.
finished all homework due tomorrow (I think). I was planning on doing my maths after this. 3-1. the one where I did some wrong questions LOL. without realizing it. =.= oh well. it's due on wednesday.
nos vemos!