spurt of ... of... ideas!
what do you say I start a blog to write in? like a light-hearted chick novel thingy? (yes, I know, it sounds horribly degrading. but sometimes when you're tired you don't feel like writing about the suppressive Tejer and the bright heroine lead Kate, you feel like writing, "She strode in those strong impressive Christian Louboutins, diamonds glistening at her snow-white neck, raven-
black hair hanging sleekly down the back of the blood-red Gucci dress." Isn't it?)
HUIRAN! hello dear angel senior :D haha remember when I thought you were wenxin. how horribly embarrassing O: ANYWAY HELLO!
NATNATNATALIE! sorry I just felt like typing that rofl ;D (roflmaozedong! oh, whatever.) I remember the ghost stories in a negative aspect, though, cos I was trying to sleep. :/ aah.
SHER:D haha no need to get paranoid :/ I did pacer test in nanyang too lol although you might have heard of it as 'beep test', they're the same. you run laps to this audio thingy, which goes, "begin at the word 'start'. Start. *beep* One. *beep* Two." and if you don't finish the lap by the time the beep sounds, it counts as 1 'penalty' thingy; once you missed two laps then you're out. at least in ISB that's how it is. and your score is the number of laps you managed to do. a.k.a., the number before the one you missed. the lap's not very long lah don't worry. not like one lap round the track or something.
JLEEO: donch insult YMCA! anyway anyway no she's not peeing! that's so mean! it's a stalks brush. aka eg flower stalks, not creepy paedophile stalks stalk. O.o
that sounds funny.
ANYWAY! adios. photoshopping eye goes. ;D